Blu E-cig Starter Kit {Review}

I mentioned a while back one of my goals for the New year was to quit smoking. I know, I know, smoking is a gross habit and it may come as a shock to you that I smoke, but it is one thing I am most ashamed of, trust me.

For me, smoking is much more than the nicotine. If you are a smoker or former smoker, you might be able to relate to me. It is the inhaling, the exhaling, the habit, the social aspect and the actual physical feeling of having the cigarette to your mouth. It has been my crutch for a long time. I decided to try the e-cig route as I found it helpful in the past.

I got a Blu Starter kit from e-cigarettes 365 ( a website that not only helps you pick from lots of different brands for purchase, but also gives you reviews by real customers, like me, so that is why I chose this site to get my kit from) to test out and review for you. I was so excited because in the past, my husband and I had wanted to try this kit because we had such a positive experience with the disposable Blu brand e-cigs in our last quit attempt. Trust me, we tried lots of different ones and the Blu was by far the best for many reasons I will get into in a bit. First, I want to talk about what comes with the kit.


In the Blu e-cig starter kit (which by the way, you can get in white as well as the black one we chose), you get 2 batteries, 1 Blu pack, 1 wall charger, 1 USB charger and 1 variety pack of cartridge flavors that contains 4 different 5 flavors in a 5 pack. The flavors included in the kit are; tobacco x2, cherry, java, and menthol.

The rechargeable e-cig from Blu works by charging the battery, and simply screwing on a cartridge and taking a puff. There are cartridges sold without nicotine and there are varying levels of nicotine as well in 8 mg, 12 mg and 16 mg. I personally think that is awesome that there are varying levels of nicotine. This will make it much easier to quit as I can wean myself off. Last time we used e-cigs to quit smoking traditional ones, I was able to almost not even need it at all after 2-3 weeks.

The Blu e-cig starter kit also uses a unique feature: the Blu Pack. Simply charge the pack itself and place your “dead” battery in it for charging on the go. you can also store your cartridges in it all in one place. It has a feature that is a “social feature” that is supposed to tell you by lighting up with a blue light on the side of the pack when you are near someone else that has a Blu pack.



This is the ultimate kit to get if you are interested in trying e-cigs. My husband and I have an e-cig kit from another company and this one is by far the best because of it’s smoothness in draw, the lasting time of the cartridges (about 250 puffs or a little over 1 pack per cartridge), the fact that it has no chemical-like taste as other tend to, and the convenience of being able to charge virtually anywhere because it has a wall charger and a USB charger. The Charge time is very fast. In just under 10-15 minutes, you have a fully charged battery. I also like that it has the Blue pack included for on the go continuous charging. The flavors of the cartridges are not over powering at all. I was worried I would not like the menthol one because I don’t like traditional menthol cigarettes, but this one was just a hint of mint flavor. My husband really enjoyed the Java flavor. The quality of the Blu e-cig starter kit cannot be surpassed in my opinion.


You must remember to keep your Blu pack and batteries charged. I found that they don’t hold a charge for more than a day or so, so it is crucial to remember to keep them in the Blu pack if you want one ready to go at all times. I also found the “social feature” of the Blu pack a bit silly and I had no way of knowing if it works or not because it never lit up for me.


This is well worth the price as it has so many features other kits do not have and way more pros than cons. Skip experimenting with other brands and go straight to the Blu.

To Purchase:

Head over to E-Cigarettes 3655 and purchase a Blu Starter Kit for $69.95-$79.95. I personally recommend this website on my own because it has a lot of great review info.

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  1. Melissa Lawler says:

    I hope it works for you!
    Melissa Lawler recently posted..I DO Believe in Fairies!My Profile

  2. I have heard a lot of good things about the Blu-E-Cig, I really like that there are those flavors available. One of the big issues I have with E-Cigs is the Draw. How was the draw on this compared to traditional smoking? Best of luck with Quitting, that is always a great goal.
    Kat H. recently posted..14 Days of Romance -Day 10-My Profile

    • The draw is very similar to traditional cigarettes from my personal experience. I understand what you mean about the draw being different in many e-cigs as I had the same problem until I tried this brand.

  3. I have never smoked, my Mom smoked for years, but then quit with the patch after my Dad passed away. I really hope you can quit smoking, here is me encouraging you!! :)

    I have heard so many various things about these E-cigs. But love your take on them.

  4. My hubby and I recently quit smoking, and we feel so much better! I hope this works for you!

  5. My sister started using e-cigs also. She is doing well with them. She did say it takes some getting use to

  6. I hope it works out for you! It will save you a lot of money! :)
    Debbie McMullen recently posted..Giveaway & Review : The Magic Warble by Victoria SimcoxMy Profile

  7. I have been looking for an e cigarette to try. It is not so much that I am ashamed to smoke or I feel it is worse for my health than say… using chemicals for cleaning, but I am too busy to dash outside 10 times a day to smoke. This would be a great product for me.
    Sara recently posted..Brownie BrittleMy Profile

  8. Savannah miller says:

    i hope this works for you. My mom smokes and this would be perfect for the to quit :)

  9. I stopped buying cigerettes almost a month ago and I have been smoking ecigs. I am starting to hate the smell of cigerette smoke and I was a smoker for 20+ years. I would recommend ecigs to anyone wanting to quit smoking.

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