Hcg Diet Update & Review of the EatSmart Precision Premium Digital Bathroom Scale

As you know from following along on my blog, I started the Hcg diet about a month ago. I have a confession: I didn’t finish it.

It wasn’t the products that made me quit or a lock of motivation, but rather a turn of circumstances. I have had more stress thrown at me this month than I could handle and I did what I typically do. I ate. I used food for comfort. I stopped caring.

This was hugely disappointing to me, because I did lose some weight in the first 2 weeks. I lost 5.2 lbs in the first week and 5.7 lbs the second week. This was a total of nearly 11 lbs lost in two weeks. I was doing well, and I was so happy I was losing. I started out at a weight of 243.8 lbs and went down to 232.9 lbs. I then shamefully jumped back into my old ways and gained back all the way up to 239.3.

I wanna say, I didn’t intend for this to happen. and I don’t intend on giving up on it, entirely. I just think I need a break in order to get my affairs in order before starting over again.

The diet taught me a couple things and I didn’t completely bomb it and stop eating better. I learned that I can “survive” and not snack constantly and actually have changed that about myself. I no longer feel the need to constantly have food near me. I have also learned that I can feel full off a smaller amount of food. I plan to use this knowledge to get a better grip on my eating habits for my long-term future.

You may be wondering how I was able to keep such close track of my weight loss down to the ounce. I was using the EatSmart Precision Premium Digital Bathroom Scale. I have done a review for EatSmart in the past with their food scale and I absolutely adore this company. They make some very nice products for not only weight loss, but healthier lifestyles as well and they are high quality. The EatSmart Precision Premium Digital Bathroom Scale was no exception.


The Scale features a very slim design and “step on” technology. This means, unlike many digital scales, you don’t have to tap the scale to get it going, you can just step on it as you would with a traditional scale.



I loved the sleek look and step on technology. I love that it calculates not only lbs, but also ounces (as well as Kg). This scale is very high quality as I have come to expect from EatSmart.


The Scale features a shut off to conserve energy. While this sounds like a great feature, in practice it can get kind of annoying because it shuts off rather quickly. I also wish it had a weight loss tracking mode so I could see progress.


The EatSmart Precision Premium Digital Bathroom scale is perfect for just about anyone seeking a high quality scale that is basic in function and digital.

To purchase:

Check out the EatSmart Website to purchase the EatSmart Precision Premium Digital Bathroom Scale for the current price of $32.95 (on sale from $59.95!).

Weigh in for Phase 2 start of Hcg Diet

So here it is, folks, you get to find out info I don’t like to share with anyone; my weight on day 1 of the Hcg diet I am doing sponsored by Creative Bioscience.

I ended up doing and “extra” load day. In phase 1 of the diet, you are supposed to eat a ton of fatty foods for 2 days. I failed on the first day because I just didn’t have time to eat as much as I should have that day. I read online that the two load days are highly important for when you enter phase 2, so i decided to start over and do another 2 days. I ate so much and was ready to eat something healthy. My husband said, jokingly, he will “sacrifice his body and health for me and eat up any junk we still have left in the house.” Very funny. :D


So here I am on Day 1 of Phase 2. This is the hard part of the diet. In the original protocol, one is supposed to eat 500 calories a day. I will not be doing that, as I know my willpower is not that strong and I will be setting myself up for failure, but also because as a diabetic, I cannot just skip meals (the original protocol asks you to skip breakfast) or live on such low caloric value. I am instead doing a 1,200 calorie diet. I suspect that although I will not lose as fast or as much as I would by following the 500 calorie protocol, I will still lose because that is a far cry from my normal diet of I don’t even know how many calories. For breakfast I had 3 egg whites, a half a grapefruit sweetened with stevia extract and a cup of coffee sweetened with sweet n low. (Some people say you can only have stevia extract, others say Sweet N Low is fine and since Creative BioScience approves Sweet N Low, I am going with their word on that).

So here comes the official weigh-in and “before pictures”. Trust me when I say, yes, I know I look pregnant and yes, I know my gut is huge. I have a typical apple body and thus alllll my weight is in my middle section.

I am *gulp!* 243.8 lbs. *sigh* I am super nervous showing these pictures of myself, but in an effort to be transparent, and honest, here I am in all my non-gut sucking in glory:

hcg2 hcg1

(By the way, I am using an EatSmart Precision Premium Digital Bathroom Scale which I will write up a review for soon!)

And yes, My kitchen really is that small. It is 2 1/2 feet wide by 10 ft long of floor space.

I can’t believe I have abused my body for so long and allowed it to come to this. I was thin as a child and I just ate like no body’s business. I am an emotional eater. I eat when I am depressed and full of anxiety, which for most of my life has been all the time.

I am hoping while on this Hcg diet from Creative BioScience, I can not only achieve weight loss, but also detox my body from all the crud I have put in it over the years and learn some healthier eating habits. The funny thing is, I don’t hate healthy food. I love vegetables, tofu, chicken, salad etc. Its just that I also love carbs and I also don’t know when to stop when I start with eating.The problem really is, I love ALL food. ;)

Anyway, here’s to my success! I will be blogging about this journey as I go along!

What are some of your goals this year? Do you want to eat healthier or lose some weight?

Kicking off the New Year right with a Big Goal!

A very common goal for New Year’s resolutions is to lose weight. I am no different. Part of the reason I got my breast reduction was so exercising would be easier. I am lucky to be armed with some tools to make the goals easier to reach. For instance, thanks to Eatsmart prodcts, I have an amazing Precision Premium Digital Bathroom Scale to keep track of my weight loss. More on this awesome product later!


I am also finally starting my 90 day challenge with Creative Bioscience in a couple days. [Read more...]