I asked my friends and readers to tell me what some of their New Year’s resolutions were in an effort to get you started on thinking what you may like to try to do to better your life in the coming year. Sticking to New Year’s resolutions is hard. My suggestion if to make it something you can realistically do, or break your resolution into smaller goals in an effort to achieve them.
I am personally going to try to lose weight. I would like to lose 50 pounds over the next year. I am breaking this down into smaller increments to make them more achievable. For instance, my goal for January is to lose 5 lbs. I think I will lose more, but I think I can at least do this much. I have some exciting products to test out that will help me reach my weight loss goal and I look forward to reporting my weight loss on my blog. Be prepared to watch me shrink!
I also am going to give up smoking for good. I am just going to break that down into day to day goals. “Today, I am not going to smoke.” will be my mantra. I bet soon, I won’t want any at all and it will seem less over-whelming.
Here are some of the goals others had in mind for the New Year!
“Finally start improving this house so it feels more like a “home” instead of just a house.” -A.A.
“Become financially stable! This last year sucked but 2013 is going to be different! Positive thinking, faith, and team work can overcome anything u set your hearts on…bring it on 2013!” - J. B.
“Learn to be a happy, independent woman. Work on self confidence, and some much needed healing.” J.K.
“Same as last year and the year before…to drop 50 lbs. I think I should just resolve to stop making resolutions!” S.S.
“Healthy eating!!!! Hopefully I will be able to change my lifestyle and be eating healthier so I will be a better example for my kids and maybe lose some weight while I am at it!” K.C.
“…stay dedicated to what matters.” C.M.
“Read new genres of books. I read non fiction and historical fiction…I will try some sci-fi and others that I have never read….maybe even the Twilight books that everyone has raved about for YEARS!” J.D.
“To find a good, honest doctor that specializes in my health condition. It’s been a frustrating journey for me as far as physicians go…” S.R.
“ORGANIZATION!!! …start sorting and packing for our move in June so I’m not doing everything last minute.” J.Z.
“It has been my goal for the last five years, but I hope that this coming year I can become a mother. I also hope to learn to become a kinder person to those I love.” K.H.
Now that you have some inspiration, what is your New Year’s Resolution for 2013? Leave me a comment and let me know!
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