Parnevu Hair Mayonnaise {Review}

Parnevu is a premium brand of hair care products for your troublesome hair issues. I tend to suffer from oily roots and dry, crispy ends. It creates a lot of fly-aways and frizziness. I was sent three different products to try, but in an effort to spotlight each, I will be doing three separate reviews once I have had a chance to dry them all out. The first product I tried was the Parnevu Hair Mayonnaise. This product promises treatment for weak, damaged hair. It contains olive oil, egg protein and herbs.

It is sold in a 16 oz tub size which I got about a dozen uses from with my long hair.


There are a couple ways you can use it. I used it in the shower as a deep conditioning treatment. I shampooed, towel dried and applied and covered with a cap. I rinsed out after 10-15 minutes. The product is very thick and stays well in hair for this type of treatment.



I loved how this worked! Immediately, I noticed my hair was shiner, easier to manage and much more soft than usual. As I used it more, I also noticed that I was experiencing less hair breakage and less hair loss. I used to lose clumps of hair when brushing or showering. I barely loose a couple strands now. This was exactly what I needed to make my hair manageable and less likely to break.


I was not fond of the smell. It has a very earthy and herbal smell to it and I did not really like that.


If you have dry, damaged hair like I did, I highly recommend this product. I was seriously amazed by how it took my hair from major hair loss and breakage to strong and healthy in just one jar of treatment.

To purchase:

Parnevu Hair Mayonnaise is only $7.00 and can be purchased on the website. This is an amazing deal for such an amazing product!

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