Homemade Tzatziki Sauce for Gyros

homemade tzatziki sauce for gyros

My husband and I love gyros around here. My 11 year is not too big of a fan, but I am hoping with time, she will learn to love them like I did.

I haven’t always loved gyros. In fact, I used to downright turn my nose up at them (just like I did with curry and anything spicy!). Good thing God brought my husband into my life to change me of my food snobbery. I could eat gyros every day if you let me!

One of the hallmarks of a good gyro is the sauce. It is called Tzatziki and it is basically a cucumber-dill sauce that is creamy and delicious. Think of it like the Greek ranch dressing! Oddly enough, at least where I am, it is kind of hard to find in the stores and even hard to find without preservatives and other nasty stuff. This is when I decided that it was just too simple to not make myself. I came up with this recipe on the fly, but it tastes pretty darn amazing. I hope you enjoy it, too!

Use it for gyros, or even as a fry or chip dip! It tastes amazing on vegetables as well!

Homemade Tzatziki Sauce for Gyros

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Homemade Tzatziki Sauce for Gyros
  • 1 Cup Plain Greek Yogurt
  • 1 Tbsp Lemon Juice
  • 3 Tbsp Dried Dill Weed (or half as much fresh dill)
  • ½ of a small cucumber
  1. Start by mincing your cucumber to the sizes you want. I like mine to be pretty small, so my sauce is creamier.
  2. Add your cucumber to your Greek yogurt and add in your dill weed.
  3. Give it a good stir and then add your lemon juice. You want to make sure you stir it in well.
This can be stored in the fridge, in a covered container for up to 3 days. Make sure you give it a good stir when you take it back out to use it.