OWG (Old World Gourmet) {Review}

I am so glad the warmer weather is coming our way soon in Montana because that means backyard parties are about to start!

One company making waves for over a decade now is OWG. They have all your get-together foods ready to make and they make hosting easy as pie!

I tried several products of theirs to see how they stacked up. I was happy to see such a variety for pallets including sweets, drink mixes and salty snacks. You can’t be a host with the most without a variety!


I did a small get together to hopefully welcome spring with a couple friends to test out all of OWG’s products they sent me. We were lucky to try Cracker Smack, Chocolate Espresso Cream Cheese Chewies and Strawberry Margarita Mix. We tried the Cracker Smack as an appetizer, and after a lovely Sunday meal of home-cooked fried chicken and mashed potatoes made by yours truly, we dove into the Chocolate Espresso Cream Cheese Chewies and later in the evening, we had the Strawberry Margarita mix.


I should say that even though my “Welcome Spring” get together was bombarded by snow, we had no problem having a blast inside with a summer drink and good friends!

OWG makes not only the tempting treats we delve into, but also bread mixes, wine mixers, gourmet snacks and even “Parties in a pitcher”.

I altered the Strawberry Margarita mix to not include tequilla as I am not a fan, but instead used a blush champagne. I just poured it into a bowl, poured the champagne in and added a bottle of cold water. You can make these in the freezer or even enjoy them instantly in a blender with ice. I did the blender method and topped them with a fresh strawberry!





The Chocolate Espresso Cream Cheese Chewies looked delicious when assembled and ready to pop in the oven. They were even better when they were baked and cooled! Delicious!



The Chocolate Espresso Cream Cheese Chewies smelled so rich and delicious when they were cooking in the oven. I couldn’t wait to try them! They were so easy to assemble and took very few extra ingredients. Cracker Smack was also easy to make and tasted wonderful. I served them with fruit, but these would go great with an assortment of cheeses. My favorite was the Strawberry Margarita Mix. In minutes, I had an amazing drink to die for and all my friends made comments that they couldn’t wait to try these again this summer!


I did find that the Chocolate Espresso Cream Cheese Chewies were a little hard to get out of the pan and honestly, not as good as I had hoped. Don’t get me wrong, they were still good, but they could have been a bit less sweet. The Cracker Smack was a bit spicer than I had anticipated.


Definetly check out OWG before you plan your girly get togethers! They have everything you need to be the hostess with the mostest! The prices are just right!

To Purchase:

Chocolate Espresso Cream Cheese Chewies retail for $10.00, Cracker Smack is $5.00 and the Strawberry Margarita Mix is $10.00. These party products from OWG come with very generous portion sizes!

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About Christine

Christine is a 30-something married mother of one tween girl. A Montana native, living in Washington state, she enjoys finding bargains, reading, and cooking. Her blog, Saved by Grace, (https://savedbygraceblog.com) was started in 2011 out of boredom and led to a passion for writing and sharing her tips for frugal living as well as a fun mix of other random topics.


  1. Melissa Lawler says:

    Sounds yummy!
    Melissa Lawler recently posted..Will Spring EVER Come?My Profile

  2. Yum! I’m not a fan of tequila either, LOVE your idea of subbing wine. Sounds like a sweet treat!
    Sam B. recently posted..Disneynature: Wings of Life is now available on Blu-ray and DVD! {Review}My Profile


  1. Saved By Grace | Old World Gourmet says:

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