Take The Pledge To Stop Bullying with TakePart!

Bullying is a huge problem. I remember when I was a child, I was bullied many times. I remember most of it taking place when I got a bit older, or maybe I blew off the things that happened to me as a child as just “normal kid’s stuff”. I now believe it is complacent to just blow off bullying behaviors as normal. Being rude, mean and even cruel is not and should not be taken as acceptable on any level.

That’s why I am asking all my readers to sign the TakePart petition to end bullying! Please, sign this for your kids, the kids you love and yourself! It is so important!Just click on the following widget under “Pledge Now!” and enter your information! (please allow a few moments for the widget to load)


My own daughter has struggled with bullying just about every year she has been in school in one way or another. I am always amazed at how far kids go out of their way to be cruel. Just recently, she struggled with kids on her bus bullying her. It made me so mad and sad at the same time that she struggles with this problem. I remember when I was pregnant with her and I would think to myself,”I hope this precious baby doesn’t get bullied the way I did in school. I hope she never has to know that kind of pain.” It broke my heart when it started happening to her. It makes a parent feel so lost. We spend 5 years protecting these precious babies and then we hope that as they get older and more independent, they will be able to protect themselves. My daughter struggles with being assertive, and is seriously concerned with not hurting other people’s feelings, so she used to not even “fight back” when kids would pick on her. Yes, this super loving child was worried the kids who were picking on her would get their feelings hurt if she stood up for herself.


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I saw the documentary, “Bully”, and it broke my heart. I remember feeling the way some of those kids felt. My heart went out to their parents and the children themselves. Bullying can make you feel so low and so desperate to run away from it! Even now, as an adult, I still hear the hurtful words kids said to me echoing in my ears. I still have some struggles with the way I look and my self esteem. It is not something that ends when school is over.

I think one of the most important things we can teach our children is how to stand up for other kids who are being bullied. Not only does it empower the victim, who will know they are not alone, but it empowers your child, too!

Some ways you can teach your child to stand up for others who are being bullied according to girlshealth.gov:

  • Stand up for the victim. It takes a lot of courage, but try defending the person being bullied. This can shock and embarrass the bully so much that they leave their victim alone.
  • Don’t join in on bullying. If you see someone being bullied, don’t join in. If the bully tries to get you to help, refuse and walk away.
  • Stop the rumors. Don’t help spread rumors about another person. You wouldn’t want rumors spread about you, so don’t do it to someone else! If someone gossips to you, let it end with you – don’t pass it on to others. You can even tell that person you’re not interested.
  • Tell an adult. Don’t just stand there and watch, especially if someone is being hurt physically. Tell an adult about the bully and what’s going on. If you feel uncomfortable or unsafe telling an adult, ask the adult to keep your comments private.
  • Offer help. When the bully is gone, try and help the person who was bullied and make sure he or she is okay. Encourage her to talk to an adult and stick up for herself.

Did you take the pledge? I hope you did! As the author of Saved By Grace blog, I believe so much in stopping bullying. I am offering a giveaway for my readers only with anti-bullying prizes. There will be one winner.

The prize pack will include:

  1. A $25 Build a Bear Workshop e-giftcard
  2. A necklace from Slap Dash Things, an Etsy shop with jewelry made and designed by 11 year old Jenelle, who is a survivor of bullying and who donates a dollar from every sale on Slap Dash Things to “Everyone Matters”, an anti-bullying organization


So make sure you enter to win this cool prize pack along with signing the pledge to take a stand against bullying! Share this post with everyone you know! Let’s all take a stand against bullying!
Please note, all entries WILL be verified, so please be honest or you will be disqualified! Giveaway starts 4/23/13 and ends 4/30/13. Open to US residents only. Please allow a few moments for the Rafflecopter widget to load.Please note, if you sign the pledge from TakePart to help end bullying, and use that to gain extra entries, you must sign up with your first name, last name and email address for it to count. If you do not, and you use that for extra entries, you will be disqualified from winning. Please be honest :)

How has bullying effected your life or the life of a loved one? Did you take the pledge?


Thanks to TakePart for sponsoring today’s discussion!



a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. I went through bulling when I was younger from my peers and from family. It made me have very low selfesteem growing up. Thank god for my grandmother who could always find a way to make me feel better.

  2. Yes I will take the pledge! Thank you, and educating is the best prevention!
    Recreateanddecorate recently posted..The best black bean dip ever!My Profile

    • Christine says:

      Thank you for taking the pledge! I think it is very important that we as adults help guide kids to stop bullies and bullying behavior.

  3. Tabitha Vos says:

    Bullying is a serious problem that just keeps getting worse. I am glad people are taking action and realizing it is a serious thing. Great post!
    Tabitha Vos recently posted..Geocaching Experience Giveaway!My Profile

  4. we had a child commit suicide at the High school this week,He was only 15 and he had been bullied since middle school.
    Lanie Craig recently posted..RedEnvelope ReviewMy Profile

  5. While I never personally experienced bullying while growing up, I knew plenty of people who did. I was a part of the LGBT Alliance and knew many peers who were tormented…it’s a terrible (and totally preventable) thing. :(
    Sam B. recently posted..Beautiful Mom {Giveaway} Event - $170+ Prize Package!My Profile

  6. Mary Happymommy says:

    I was bullied in junior high.

    • Christine says:

      Oh boy! Junior High was the worst for me as far as bullying I think! I am sorry you had to go through that as well!

  7. i was bullied in middle and high school and my 7 year old has already experienced it in 1st and 2nd grade..how sad is that :(
    jennifer zuna recently posted..Nail Rock and Ciate ReviewMy Profile

  8. Melissa Ramos says:

    My son gets called names everyday teachers do nothing
    Melissa Ramos recently posted..Beauty Stop Online- Hot Tools Hair Dryer reviewMy Profile

  9. My daughter has a girl in her class that was always picking on her. Our school is great and it was taken care of right away! My daughter and this girl have since because friends :)
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  10. Thanks you for the reminder. This is so important to spread the word.

  11. I still remember my bully. She was actually a year younger than me. We were suppose to do a school project together. All she had to do was type the whole report that I wrote and she didn’t so we failed the entire class. She blamed me because the teacher found out she didn’t type the paper and so she bullied me for months. Finally I got strong and challenged her back and she backed down.

  12. My niece has been a victim of bullying.

  13. Thank you for doing this!! I know who to pass this on to.

  14. There was a lot of bullying on the school bus when I was a kid.
    Tracie recently posted..Losing My Messy PonytailMy Profile

  15. I took the pledge! This is a subject that I am passionate about.
    jenny at dapperhouse recently posted..Signs of Stress – What’s Your Personal Tick?My Profile

  16. I signed the pledge. My children were bullied in school and it makes me sad that teachers no longer step in to stop it.
    Lisa Weidknecht recently posted..Free Carseat CanopyMy Profile

  17. D SCHMIDT says:

    It has shaped who I am as an adult, the world is cruel and I feel it ruined many what should be good memories of childhood.

  18. Jennifer Jackson says:

    I was born with major defects affecting my hands. As a result, I only had 9 fingers and they aren’t “normal” like everyone else’s. A lot of kids were ok with it, but there was still those who liked to point and call names and make fun of me because of my hands. Kids can be really cruel, and we as parents need to make sure it stops.

  19. I will take the pledge!
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  20. Michelle Lee says:

    I was bullied in school and it had a terrible impact on my self esteem. I’m hoping my children will grow up in a better world!

  21. cj Clayton says:

    My daughter was being bullied and I was there one day and watched it and threatened that little girl pretty good and we haven’t had a problem since.

  22. I was bullied as a child

  23. Megan Parsons says:

    There are a few boys that bully my son and I’m so sick of it. Seems like nothing ever gets done about it!!!

  24. My son gets bullied, made fun of, left out, etc. Luckily most of the time he doesn’t even realize it. He has ADHD & Aspberger’s so he has trouble in social situations. He is very friendly but has trouble making any real friends. I am hopeful that someday there will be more awareness & the kids will start including him.
    Stephanie recently posted..The Way Way Back movieMy Profile

    • Christine says:

      How heartbreaking! It seems the friendliest kids are often the ones that struggle with making friends. My daughter is the same way. She is very friendly and even loyal to a fault to the wrong people. I hope someday someone realises she would make the best friend ever! I wish the same for your little guy, Stephanie!

  25. My child’s father was falsely accused of murder and spent 6 years in prison, 4 on Death Row. My daughter was only 2 when he was incarcerated. Her and I both were bullied terribly until his death. He was about to be exonerated and was killed in prison to prevent him and her getting huge settlements.


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    [...] giveaway is being hosted at Saved By Grace. Head on over there to enter this $25 e-giftcard to Build a Bear and Slap Dash Things Jewelry. Good [...]

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