New weekly Feature: Coupon Insert Giveaway!

I am big on couponing and saving money wherever I can, even though I don’t talk a lot about it on my blog. In the spirit of this, I have decided to do a weekly giveaway of coupon inserts for my fans and readers. Feel free to come back weekly and enter! There is no limit to how many times you can win each month! Also, share this weekly giveaway on social media for even more entries!


Each week, there will be different, new and current coupons. Some weeks it will be Red plum, some P & G and some both! The best part, you don’t win just one insert but 5 (5 of each if there is more than one!)

Make sure you read my giveaway guidelines!

This week’s giveaway runs from 11-12 to 11-17 at midnight PT

Good Luck!



a Rafflecopter giveaway

About Christine

Christine is a 30-something married mother of one tween girl. A Montana native, living in Washington state, she enjoys couponing, reading, and cooking. Her blog, Saved by Grace ( was started in 2011 out of boredom and led to a passion for writing and sharing her tips for frugal living as well as a fun mix of other random topics.

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